Tardy To The Party

When it comes to updating this web site, I’ve totes been tardy to the party, Kim Zolciak-style. Oof!! Please forgive!! In order to celebrate my return to the land of the online living, it’s about time to launch my third Twitter contest. If you’re all, “Huh? Wha Twitter contest? You talkin’ all sorts of crazy, lady,” here’s a refresher… I vowed that for every 100 new followers I get on Twitter, I’d offer up a super-awesome, jam-packed goodie bag to one lucky lurker. Truth be told, I slightly missed the boat on 600 followers—current tally is 621, natch!—but I’m gonna get back on track if it kills me. One anti-denim-leggings-wearing winner will get an autographed…

Falling Over Me

This summer has been one big heap of marital bliss for me and my besties. First, it was my BFF Jessica, who got hitched in Ithaca, New York, at the beginning of August. Then, it was my oldest and dearest pal Lesley, who tied the knot in Cleveland a couple weeks ago. Seeing as I was bestowed with the honor of being MOH—that’s “maid of honor,” for the wedding layman—I hoofed it back to attend to my bridal duties. Not only did I get to spend some QT with the bride before she became a Mrs., but it was rad to see my fam and friends. I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since…

Los Angeles Is For Lovers

Are you hoofing it to Los Angeles but aren’t sure what to do?? Allow me to be your personal tour guide! Click here to see some of my scintillating suggestions.

Celebrate Good Times, C’mon

I vowed that for every 100 new followers I get on Twitter, I’d offer up a super-awesome, jam-packed goodie bag to one lucky lurker. If I’m anything, I’m true to my word so it looks like it’s time to celebrate 500 followers with my second free-stuff frenzy! One rad-pants winner will get an autographed copy of my latest book Wish You Were Here, a couple limited-edition Wish You Were Here Sharpies and a special lil’ surprise that”ll make you swoon. Swears! Just ask @hoppusfanmuch, who won my first giveaway! Here’s your mission, should you choose to accept it… Please answer the following question: “What song title best represents your life?” For example, mine would be…

Holy Cuteballs!

Um—there are no words. That said, I proudly present my newest obsession. Enjoy! PS… Proper post coming tomorrow. Swears!!

New Gig: Word Inventor


Vocab Is Delish

I think I invented a new word. Check it! Cupdate [kuhp-deyt] noun, verb, dat⋅ed, dat⋅ing: A social appointment, engagement or occassion arranged beforehand with another person and revolved around either 1.) the presence of cupcakes, or 2.) the act of consuming cupcakes. EX] “I totes have a cupdate with the lovely Jessica Louise tomorrow night and I’m heaving with excitement!!” What’cha think??

More about Leslie Simon

Leslie is the author of Geek Girls Unite: How Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks and Other Misfits Are Taking Over the World, out now through It Books. She is also the author of Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide to Your Favorite Music Scenes and co-author of Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide to Emo Culture. She currently lives in Los Angeles, CA.