Oklahoma, Okay!

When I was contacted by Dave at Oklahoma Lefty about doing an interview for him and his bitchin’ blog, I was stoked beyond words. Two of my dearest bros are from the lovely city of Edmond, so I feel like I’m kind of an Okie by association. I think the Q&A turned out awesome, especially because I heart being called “ultra-hilarious.” Score! I’m feverishly trying to do a million-and-a-half different things before I get on a jetplane tomorrow and fly to St. Louis, where I’ll be meeting up with Paramore on Wednesday. Eek!! I feel like I’m really breaking out of the retirement home for this piece because I haven’t written anything like it in…

Wish Upon A Shooting Star

The radtastic Miss Lauren Becker over at Shooting Stars Magazine did a lil’ Q&A with lil’ ol’ me. The online zine is super kick-ass and there are some amazing author interviews on there. You should most def take some time and check it out—if for nothing more than to read my deep and eloquent thoughts on Gilmore Girls and Angels & Kings!! I’m talking about ground-breaking revelations, people. Also, if you aren’t already following me on Twitter, GET WITH THE PROGRAM!! You can find me at http://www.twitter.com/redpatterndress. I’m leaving next week to spend some QT with this really small, unknown band. You prolly haven’t heard of them. They’re called Paramore and I think they’re gonna…


I spent most of yesterday doing something super-awesome and super-stealth! Hmmm… I wonder what that could be…

Chit Chat And Emo Girl Talk

I can’t tell you how flattered I was when the lovely Martina Butler from the Emo Girl Talk podcast asked me to be on her show. I must’ve been blushing for a week straight! We gabbed all about how babe-a-licious Jesse Lacey is and the best way to break into the book biz. The interview is live and streaming so take a trip over there and hear me pretend to know what I’m talking about. In other news of self-promotion, one of my besties was in NYC last weekend and she sent me the most amazing pictures from Urban Outfitters. I mean, I knew they were selling Wish You Were Here online but I had…

Urban Outfitters Awesomeness

Great news, kiddies! Actually, it’s effing EXCITING news that deserve a bunch of exclamation points!!! The radtastic peeps at Urban Outfitters have started selling Wish You Were Here online. True story!! If any of your friends, family, enemies, frenemies or what-have-you have not ordered the book yet, you must tell them to hoof it over to Urban and add that sh*t to their shopping cart STAT! Do not pass “go!” Do not collect $100! I know I’m such a blog tease, but I SWEAR there’s a mondo post in the works. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!! In the meantime, do yourself and listen to the song that’s totes…

My ‘Fidelity’ For Regina Spektor

OMG! Be still, my heart!! The new Regina Spektor album Far is on the horizon (late June, to be exact). This is the first released song of the record. There are no words. “Laughing With” by Regina Spektor

Your Daily Emo

Just had the bestest interview with the talented Don Edwards from Your Daily Emo. Little did I know thatI was appearing on the last episode of the show. What an honor! Fear not, emo fans. Don’s starting a new podcast called Diamond Boy’s Automatic Soundtrack, which should appear on iTunes in the next couple weeks. More deets can be found on Don’s blog. PS… You can also download the interview on iTunes, just in case you want to listen to my musings at your leisure. Just do a podcast search for “Your Daily Emo” and it will pop up as the “4/14/09” episode. Oh, and in case you were wondering, my voice isn’t really that…

More about Leslie Simon

Leslie is the author of Geek Girls Unite: How Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks and Other Misfits Are Taking Over the World, out now through It Books. She is also the author of Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide to Your Favorite Music Scenes and co-author of Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide to Emo Culture. She currently lives in Los Angeles, CA.