Metromix: “Is She Really Going Out With Him?”

It’s one of the most often-asked question in rock ‘n’ roll: Why do hot chicks always fall for the most fugly band dudes? Oh, right… they’re dudes in bands, which trumps any potential facial or body deformity that he may have. (Plus, don’t even get me started on how guys think having a musician pedigree somehow gives them permission to have THE worst personality on the planet. Oh, the stories I could tell and the names I could drop…) Check out my latest gallery for to see who I consider to be the hottest/grossest couples in recent history*. * For those with weak stomachs, please wait 30 minutes after eating in order to view…

Dusk And Autumn

The first time I talked to Chris Carrabba, I think I was still the office manager at Alternative Press. Most of my days were spent sorting mail, cleaning up after our gastrointestinally challenged cat Ogre and dreaming of writing pieces for the magazine that were more than 50 words. It must’ve been late 2001 or early 2002, and the whole editorial staff was prepping for AP’s “100 Bands You Need To Know” issue. I had been trumpeting Dashboard Confessional‘s awesomeness for months and I’m pretty positive that I got the assignment mostly because Jason Pettigrew was tired of me nagging him everyday. Hypothetical-yet-completely-possible conversational reinactment: Me: “Hey, Jason! I’ve seen the future of music and…

Enough Rope

Okay, it’s official. I’m the biggest slacker since Troy Effing Dyer. I honestly have no excuses except I’ve been trapped under something heavy—and by “something heavy,” I mean “shit-tons of work.” It’s true. Please forgive! I’ve never stopped thinking about you. Swears!! First things first, it’s about time that I announced the winner of my third Les Simes booktastic prize pack. If ya’ll remember, I asked you all to put your literary thinking caps on and tell me if you could have any author—alive or dead—write the story of your life, who would it be and why? Your answers were all completely brilliant but there can only be one winner. That said, I have to…

It’s Official! My Paramore Cover Story Is Out

Remember when I told you I was writing this super-awesome story about Paramore? Well, it was supposed to be all hush-hush, but I have a big mouth and nearly let the entire cat out of the bag—er, sleeve. Truth is, I was actually scribbling it Hayley & The Gang for the cover of Alternative Press, which will hit newsstands in September. The issue is finally back from the printer and I can’t wait to see it!! In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek at the cover. What do you think??

A Nice Day For A White Wedding

After fending off a killer migraine yesterday, I’m finally feeling close to human again. I swear, it was like an alien was trying to soldier through the lobes in my brain and cut into my skull using a dull knife. (What a visual!) Needless to say, it was tres painful. I blame it on the geography—more specifically, the fact that over the past four weeks, I’ve been in five different states and every time zone that exists in these here United States. My body chemistry is waaaaay off and while my travels were waaaaay worth the internal strife, truth be told, I’m happy to be home for the next three weeks—until I hoof it back…

My Favorite Sentence

I’m tres busy slaving away on my first cover story in forevs. However, I thought I should pause to admire my own literary brilliance. (Because I’m modest like that.) Truth be told, this might be the most fave sentence I’ve scribbled in ages: “Unlike on the No Doubt tour, there are no Housewives Gone Wild here; instead, you’ve got a fine selection of neon-clad, pint-sized Hayley clones, dudes with the back of their neck’s pierced (ouch!), and zit-faced teenage couples who look like they’re one face-sucking session away from appearing on MTV’s 16 And Pregnant.” It’ll make much more sense in context. Trust.

Au Revoir, New York City

Thanks to my new fave airline Virgin America, I’m currently cruising over my least fave city (Kansas City, MO) at 35,000 feet while surfing the interweb. No, it’s true. I’m using the internet from space! Okay, I’m not exactly in space, but I’m super-high in the sky and that’s close enough for me. I just spent the last nine days in New York City, where I spent most of my time partaking in the following activities: 1. Pimping my book. Duh. How can I not? Today marks the month anniversary of Wish You Were Here‘s release. Looks like my book’s all grows up! I’ve pretty much being talking to anyone who’ll listen about my views…

More about Leslie Simon

Leslie is the author of Geek Girls Unite: How Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks and Other Misfits Are Taking Over the World, out now through It Books. She is also the author of Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide to Your Favorite Music Scenes and co-author of Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide to Emo Culture. She currently lives in Los Angeles, CA.